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  Time and space are endless and boundless, what about our life? Who am I? Where does this globe lie in the universe? Where was I before my birth? Where shall I go after my death?

  从细小的微尘世界到无边的虚空世界,万物堆积合和,似乎在不停的生灭变化着,而有谁知道其本性可有生灭?我们每一个的生命体也是这样吗?那么我们生命中的能思维,能发出爱恨情感的精神层面的被人们称为神识、灵魂的灵性的我, 会随着物质躯体的分解而彻底消失吗?即便说生命的精神世界那仅仅是一种能力,它就会消失吗?生命真的就如同现代一些权威们所认为的仅仅是蛋白质的组合吗?即便如此,那生命就一定要用蛋白质的形式存在吗?

  Everything seems to be changing with recyclable births and deaths, from the tiniest micro-world to the boundless macro-world. However, these questions have been troubling our minds all the time: Does the primary nature of both the micro and macro worlds have a beginning or an ending? What about life? Will I, who is acknowledged as a spiritual being with mind and soul, with the ability to sense and think, to love and hate, perish completely with the decomposition of my physical body? Will the spiritual ability of our life die eventually? Is it the ultimate truth that life is just the integration of water and protein? Does life unvaryingly exist in the form of protein?


  Life science has been an important subject for many countries and research institutes, its development has nevertheless been hindered in one way or another, almost unexceptionally with a vigorous beginning and a nowhere ending. This phenomenon can typically be generalized as “a tiger’s head and a snake’s tail”。 The common question is how this strange phenomenon can be changed and where the outlet for the development of life science is.  My answer is: The development of life science lies in the transcendence of the fixed mode of psychological practice which human beings have got used to for numerous ages.


  The truth is that we, as human beings, know pitiably little about our life and the world. In spite of this fact, those so-called experts have been making irresponsible, even blunder, judgments and conclusions about our life and the world, based on their very limited organs and senses.

  I do wish that we human beings take an urgent step out of ignorance under deep and careful pondering. 

  ~~Translated by Diana Zhang from Dialects of Master Joe Long


